Founding Partner

Domenico Vittorio
Ripa Montesano

Senior Advisor in Business Synergies and Human Resources Management, with a specialization in leadership in Organizations and in the intersection of decision-making pyramids, with twenty years of experience in business, academia and associations. Together with the advisory activity in business synergies and the mediated experience in the business field, he has dedicated his studies to the world of Work Psychology and Human Resource Management. He carries out teaching activities in the context of Academic Masters, he is an University Lecturer in several universities in Italy, with prevalence at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" since 2003. Owner of Seminars and Laboratories on topics such as: "Training in management of human resources, "Leadership in Organizations", "Funded planning Tools and Opportunities", "Development of entrepreneurial skills and human resources management", "Management models and Human Resources Management". He was also a member of the examination committees for the chairs of: Occupational Psychology - Management and Human Resource Management Modules - Organizational Design and Quality Systems. Organizer and speaker of numerous academic conferences on issues related to work psychology, also as a member of scientific committees. He has developed several collaborations with prestigious international universities. He is a consultant for research projects promoted by the Department of Psychology of the University of Bari, and also an analyst at the Center for Innovative Business Culture of Lecce of the University of Salento. He has been carrying out professional activities for years as a Mentor, he has guided leading exponents of the world of finance, presidents of international scientific societies, top managers of multinationals and industrialists of national profile with mentorship paths. Founder in 1996 of the first firm in Italy dedicated to Business Synergies, after having gained a significant Florentine experience as team leader of important community projects governed by the Directorate General for Regional Policies and Cohesion of the Commission of European Policies in Brussels (DG -XVI). He then founded further offices of the Firm in Rome, Dubai, Bari and Lecce where he coordinated a team of highly professional partners. He has worked as a consultant for some foreign governments. Active in several international fields, he exercises as an Advisor consulting for Government Bodies (among which the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Senegal), Foundations, Multinationals, Investment Funds and primary Companies. He also works for philanthropic projects also in foreign contexts, having created a think tank of qualified professionals. Writer, editor, essayist and speaker at numerous national conferences, he is the author of over 15 volumes published on topics of classical culture and exegetical studies, with particular attention on the development of the "Spherical Thought".